4 Ways To Keep Your Carpet Clean All Winter And Spring

Spring and winter both are very joyful seasons. But, both of these seasons require carpet cleaning. Your carpet requires maintenance every time. As dust, dirt or germs never stop laying up on it. We do understand that you wipe your home every day. But, is it really enough? We don’t think so. Whatever do you do? If you don’t clean your carpet, your home will never be able to shine. Carpets go through with lots of things like stains, dust, dust mites, bacteria, or other several spots. You can easily clean your carpets using some of the DIY methods available on the internet. But, nothing can be the best result giving than commercial carpet cleaning. 

In this article, we are sharing 4 simple hacks to keep your carpets clean all winter and spring. You can use the below discussed ways or else can hire commercial carpet cleaning.

  1. Removing stains with an iron: If you have hard stains on your carpet then, don’t worry. You can easily remove that stain with an iron. The first step of stain removal with iron is vacuuming. You need to vacuum your carpet properly to ensure that no stains or hard particles are present on your carpet. After you are done vacuuming. Damp the stained area using a clean towel. You can use vinegar or water solution to dampen the area. Then, after damping, put a light wet towel on top of the stain and iron it. The heat of the iron will move the stain from your carpet to the towel. Once done, remove the towel.
  2. Baking soda or essential ointments: If you want your carpets to smell fresh all the time then, there is a very simple trick to do it. You can use baking soda or essential ointments as the carpet freshener. All you have to do is to mix the baking soda with any essential ointments. You can use any ointment like lavender ointment. Mix them together well. And spray it all over your carpet. After 5 min just vacuums the area.
  3. Homemade deep clean carpet cleaner: If you keep your carpets clean then, you keep your family members or yourself away from allergens. Deep carpet cleaning is very beneficial. And, especially when it is done by a reputed commercial carpet cleaning company. Well, if you don’t have enough budget then, no worries you can do a deep cleaning on your own too. You can use any carpet cleaner available on the market or else you can use it by making your own. By mixing hydrogen peroxide, vinegar and dish soap with hot water you can easily make your own deep carpet cleaning solution. Deep cleaning requires lots of time, we still recommend you hire commercial carpet cleaning.
  4. Properly vacuum cleaning a shag carpet: If your carpet is becoming shaggy day by day then, you need to take care of it more. And, for that, vacuuming is the first regular thing you need to do. Use the attachments of the vacuum properly.


Thus, these are the 4 ways to keep the carpets clean all winter and spring. So, follow the above ways and make your carpet free from dust, dirt, or germs. You are not bound to call us for any limited time period as you can dial 02 3813 8675 at any of your free time.